Right to life. Every fetus has an absolute right to stay in a woman’s body rent-free for the allotted time. The woman has no rights at all about her body so long as the fetus is in residence. She mustn’t drink alcohol or use many other substances because that might harm the resident, and should the newborn have fetal alcohol syndrome or other addiction issues, then the woman might very well go to jail.
If the woman is killed by a car or a gun or some other misfortune, then the person doing the killing is responsible not only for killing the woman but also the unborn child. All this is because life is so very, very important until, of course, it is born. At that point, the right to life so diligently advocated for before birth becomes much less important. The same folks who so desperately wanted that baby born are very often the same folks who oppose support for the new mother and child with health care, food, and housing support. They oppose taxes for schools and teachers. They make higher education inaccessible. They have actually made corporations people, while We, the People, are relegated to a lower status. That’s where we are in this: The Greatest Country ever to have existed anytime, anywhere, even in any galaxy far, far away. We’re number one. Just ask us.
Life out of the woman’s body is just not so sacred that it gets the same level of angst and advocacy.
The school shooting year is off to a marvelous start. The right to life cannot ever supersede the right to bear arms. The Constitution says we all have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness right in the beginning. But the Second Amendment overrules the Preamble; just ask those folks in black robes who have lifetime appointments to destroy all the other liberties except the right to have as many guns of any and all kinds and to leave them available to one’s children to use in the now trendy way of going to school and killing a few or as many random people as possible.
The utter BS spouted every time of thoughts and prayers is an outright lie. This country does not care about life. It does not support life. It does not defend life. This is, in fact, exactly who we are. A country that worships guns and accepts the carnage not just in schools but anywhere and everywhere, any time. It’s madness. We are all mentally ill. The whole world knows it.