Friday, July 26, 2024

Washington Update: Amharas Must Be Included In Peace Talks

Amhara must be included in peace talks

Amhara organizations in Ethiopia and abroad wrote a letter to the diplomatic community demanding representation in any negotiations to resolve the conflict in Northern Ethiopia. The letter states that “in attempting to mediate the conflicts in Ethiopia, special envoy Jeffrey Feltman must not repeat mistakes the U.S. had made in the past when it excluded pro-democracy Ethiopian parties from negotiations over the nation’s future. The U.S. should not forget recent history, including the corruption, violence, and human rights abuses of the EPRDF and TPLF. The peace process must include the Amharas, who are one of the largest populations in Ethiopia.” The letter was sent as representatives of the Ethiopian government and the TPLF were starting peace talks in South Africa.


Conflict in Oromiya

Reuters reports that the Ethiopian government has bombed terrorists in Oromiya from the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) and the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA). The Ethiopian Parliament has designated these groups, organizations including the OLF/Shenne, which has massacred Amhara civilians, as terrorists. The massacre of civilians at Guliso Woreda, West Wolega Zone, was orchestrated by the OLF- Shene group and TPLF, Oromia State President Shimelis Abdisa said. Ethiopian Americans are concerned about the possibility that the OLF/OLA have ties to Al Shabab terrorists.


Conflict over Abiy

The New Yorker magazine reports that the violence in Ethiopia “has sparked an international argument about Abiy,” with critics accusing him of “starting an ethnic conflict in order to favor his political allies.” The story notes demands that his Nobel be revoked and warnings that the violence he has unleashed could destabilize the entire region. 


National Press Club salutes Mesfin Mekonen

The National Press Club (NPC) in Washington, DC, celebrated Mesfin Mekonen for his dedication and 50 years of service. NPC President Jen Judson presented Mesfin with a resolution from the Club board of governors honoring him for his longevity, his dedication to members, and his unfailing devotion to the Club and his native Ethiopia. 


Author profile
Mesfin Mekonen

Mesfin Mekonen is the author of Washington Update, a bulletin about Ethiopia’s struggle for freedom and prosperity, and founder of MM Management.

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