Friday, February 14, 2025


Being a woman, albeit a rather old one, I find it concerning that a whole lot of elected folks, mostly white men, have decided that it’s OK if some women die or become dangerously ill. In many states, all controlled by Republicans, laws regulating pregnancy termination have been passed with sufficient ambiguity that doctors and hospitals demur rather than proceed in situations that before last June would have resulted in a termination.
The most absurd part of this is that those women were frequently carrying fetuses that had little or no chance of survival. The “right to life” apparently applies only to the potential offspring carrying the DNA of some man who, following the natural inclination of all beasts, great and small, wants to pass on his genetic line. The vessel through which this necessity is achieved is of no value other than to fulfill this need. Note I mentioned it is mostly males who are shoving through this legislation.
The former president reminds us that over millennia any man who could, would avail himself of such a vessel at Will. As he noted, for good or ill,  that’s the way it was, and we must assume it still is considering the number of such vessels that have foolishly been complaining about men doing unwanted availing.
The Senate blithely refused to approve the Equal Rights Amendment, which inexplicably would have rendered those vessels as actual human beings with the same rights as men. Such foolishness was not to be tolerated. Heavens! That would mean that the Supreme Court and its plethora of corruptions couldn’t decide that a vessel didn’t have the same rights to bodily agency as a man. Perish the thought.
Now, understand, the DNA bearers that the vessels pop out are not to learn or read anything that might possibly, it could happen, make them think that the way things are, white men telling everybody else what to think and do, isn’t actually the way things have to be. Of course, once all the available resources that might have initiated such thoughts are burned, it would be necessary to invent the notions it has taken Homo Sapiens many millennia to create. Jesus would have to be severely edited to take out all that love and kindness stuff and just leave in all the scary hell stuff. It’s a Fahrenheit 451, 1984 world.
I’m kinda glad I’m old because I’ll be dead by the time this happens. I really don’t like Disney because, for the most part, they perpetuate the damsel in distress notion, among other unfortunate tropes. Still, I really hope Iger et al. succeed in their war with the current dictator in Florida. It’s just such a wonder to me that folks who profess their religious principles everywhere all at once seem to find hatred under every rock in their stony hearts.
However, I have noticed that the adherents of that new god I mentioned a while back, NARIA, are exceeding the wildest expectations for human sacrifice, thus enhancing the god’s status. In many of the above-mentioned legislatures, there is increasing support for the propagation of their idol symbol and accouterment there too. It is a testament to the followers of NARIA that they display their symbol on their cars and post sacred videos of their worship services and sacrificial rites.
The “right to life,” in this case, apparently only applies to those carrying around the symbol or lots of symbols on their person at all times, ready to sacrifice anyone who knocks on their door or wanders onto their driveway, or goes to school or shopping or a movie or sits on their front porch or wherever an adherent thinks a sacrifice is at hand.
There must be more layers of hell than Dante envisioned because we’re way past seven and speeding ahead.
I’m reminded of C.S. Lewis’ “Out of the Silent Planet”. Soon the United States of America might be interdicted as was Earth, deemed too corrupted and too dangerous for any other people to enter, and we quarantined here amidst our encroaching madness.
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M.A. Callahan
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