Friday, July 26, 2024

Sean Spicer Ends Briefing Without Taking a Single Question

Washington, DC – Another first today at the podium of the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room in the White House as Sean Spicer, the WH Spokesperson left without taking any questions after OMB Director Mick Mulvaney finished addressing journalists.

White House correspondents shouted after the hurriedly leaving Spicer but to no avail. Spicer was scheduled to host the regular briefing but after announcing a few presidential notes, he requested Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly and White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney to discuss and answer questions related to the spending bill passed by Congress.

And to the disappointment of the journalists, after the two guests finished their briefings, the White House staff also exited the room amid shouts of “Sean!” from scribes wanting to ask him questions.

Earlier in the day, a phone call took place between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, and journalists were eager to ask questions on that and some other major stories that broke before the briefing.

Spicer added this as one more feather in his cap of changes since he opened the briefings to random questions and also opening up Beltway enclosed Washington, DC to the rest of the United States to invite journalists from every nook and corner of the nation.

From a marathon first briefing, Spicer, who took questions from 43 reporters over the course of 79 minutes, to today, when he left in a huff with the other two guests, are definitely two extremes which only the present White House can spring on the media.

Author profile
Tejinder Singh

Tejinder Singh was the Founder and Editor of India America Today, and is the inspiration for Global Strat View.

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