Friday, July 26, 2024

Our Already Imperfect Union is Being Shredded

Form a more perfect union? Promote the general welfare? Establish justice? Ensure domestic tranquility? Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? The two major founding documents of our nation lay out in the very beginning what a government is, at the very least, supposed to do.

And yet, we as a nation have chosen to prioritize only in-utero life, provide unequal justice, devalue the general welfare by providing generous corporate welfare, and undermine domestic tranquility by allowing weapons of war on our streets. As a result, our already imperfect union is being shredded.

We are in the death grip of radicals whose goal is to destroy the government. For decades, we have tolerated right-wing madness as fringe. We kept the pustules of white supremacy mostly hidden in the back woods and swamps where they play war games and do laundry. Those sheets need a lot of bleach. Dirty deeds done very dirty.

We have watched religious institutions become political action committees. We’ve seen people choose to kill doctors and other personnel of women’s health clinics because they believe in the right to life. The ten suggestions were written on stone tablets, so there wasn’t room for context. The current interpretation of Thou shalt not kill allows for killing when you think you feel like it. Although the many mass murders we experience are given lip service as being awful, in reality, we as a country have decided that such loss of life is just collateral damage in service to the only thing that really matters: the right to get lots of money and good grades from the industry that creates guns and accouterments.

We seem to have endless arguments about who should be able to access good medical care and live (newborns, no matter how unlikely they will survive, must receive care, but we do force parents to pay the bill.)

Our just us system creates injustice when predicating outcomes on the ability to pay, the color of skin, or who one knows. These guys for whom someone voted decided to promote their axes that needed grinding to spend endless wasted time to try very, very hard to dig up dirt on the guy who beat their cult leader.

The House of Representatives finally got the message loud and clear from the cult leader, and even the few holdouts saw the writing on the wall and voted for a guy who supported the cult leader in his bid to stage a coup. He continues to support the lies that the coup generated. This guy is worse than Jim Jordan without the grating personality.

In the end, we have pretty much what we started with: a cultist who is entirely in step with the cult leader. The leader has no interest at all in the ten suggestions except, perhaps, in seeing how often he can defy them. He has no interest in the founding documents save to ignore or corrupt them. No one seems to know if they even care except to make points for their side of the rabbit hole in which we’re falling. We are so very far from Wonderland. Half of that body is willing to have a leader, third from the presidency, who helped develop the plan to create fraudulent electors.

Fear is a powerful thing. Fear of the cult leader, however, might be a little overblown. The cult leader was judged a fraud by the court after evidence was presented by the prosecution that was deemed so damning that there was no point in a trial since most of the evidence came from documents from his business and the people who created them. But they were all authorized by the cult leader himself.

That guy is old, in terrible shape, and apparently unable to change his game. He’s babbling about every single injustice his fevered brain imagines he has endured. He insults the judges who try his cases. He engages in witness intimidation, character assassination, and basic swatting when he has insomnia or is bored in court. Two-year-olds are easily bored.

A cult lives only as long as its leader does. Even in the best of best-case scenarios, that’s not very far into the future. Anyone under 50 might want to rethink their positions. Pendulums do swing. This one has swung just about as far as it can go. The backswing will not be pretty. It’s not all that much fun now; it’s not very creative. It will not be any more fun later after we hit the bottom of the rabbit hole and have to claw our way up.

Author profile
M.A. Callahan
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