Friday, July 26, 2024

It’s the Stupid, Stupid!

Washington, DC – I found myself seriously wishing that my Kindle could send my voice directly to whomever I find myself yelling. The last yell was at George Will, whom I lamentably find myself agreeing with occasionally. Not today. He wants to blame the drop off of college emissions on Progressive leanings. I yelled, “It’s the debt, stupid.” Actually, it’s the whole value we put on educating people or, most commonly today, training folks. Sadly, anything one learns by being trained rather than educated becomes obsolete once you walk out the door. Businesses add to the stupidity by requiring an MBA to do filing yet still pay the salary for the filing job. Any country that makes getting a degree so expensive while the benefits are so small is just handing off the future to China or any other place that isn’t so, well, stupid. The News section contains an article about the GOP’s plan to gut student loan plans. Will quit the party, but he didn’t quit their stupid.

The bit on the front page about assisted living facilities throwing out folks who, after exhausting their savings and now being dependent on Medicare for their care, mirrors the total lack of compassion evidenced by our treatment of veterans or, for that matter, anybody who has given much to this country, but has nothing left to give.

Then there was the piece regarding the people who were killed for knocking on the wrong door or simply turning around in a driveway. Good law-abiding citizens who, up to that time, were simply enjoying their first amendment rights, chose to murder someone who was merely lost or confused. Now those were just one person things. Halfway through April, less than 100 days into this benighted year, we’ve had 165 mass murders, which are defined as four or more victims, so one, two, or three deaths by guns aren’t even counted. Little kids, teens, and people minding their own business just blown up, blasted apart. But those lives, like those of the old or veterans or poor, have no value when stood up against the religious convictions of the NARIA church. The cross has been taken down, and the gun has been hung in its place. Their god is an angry god who demands human sacrifice, be it an infant shot in its crib by a stray bullet from a concurrent human sacrificial right in the street outside its home or little kids in school or bigger kids in bigger schools, or people waiting for a bus or doing their jobs. There is no rhyme or reason for the choice of those offered up to that god—just blind obedience to the demand for ever more sacrifices. There was a big revival of this sect last week where you could buy the sacred objects and other accoutrements. Forget the Our Father; it’s now the Jan. 6 choir singing, “We pledge allegiance to the gun.”

Clarence the Crooked Clown show had another episode. I didn’t bother to yell. That grotesque half of an even more grotesque marriage is apparently deaf to any insults or groans of despair.

Jim Jordan needs to stop pretending he has rolled up his sleeves to do some work. It’s a ridiculous and now old and pointless disguise. He’s just trying to force his views down the throats of a citizenry who isn’t interested.

The Supreme Court, whose Dobbs decision was to have left the abortion issue to states, is now debating whether a backwoods judge from the backwoods state of denial, Texas, can deprive every woman in every state access to a medicine that has been safely in use for 20 years. Tragically, we can’t count on them to even stand by their previous decision.

That same group of stalwarts is debating whether mean things said on social media can be considered stalking. I myself and many women can tell you that it’s highly unlikely that mere words will be so judged when we have been told for millennia that it’s a compliment to be harassed on the street or be cornered at work, or as per our former Thug in Chief, having our private parts grabbed. Objecting to such “compliments” is overreacting or being emotional, or as one coed at an unnamed state military college was told after being raped, “he’s a good guy; you’ll ruin his career.” That idea is why we have so much sexual assault in the military. Too many “good guys” didn’t have their careers ruined when they definitely should have had new careers as inmates.

Good grief, I haven’t even gotten to the editorial section. Actually, except for Will, I didn’t yell much at the editorial. My voice must have given out.

Some woman is complaining about funding for public television. She didn’t say so, but it’s probably because they don’t belong to the MAGA crowd or the NARIA church. Tim Scott is considering running for president, which requires money that even the resident troglodyte in Florida is having trouble raising. Maybe we’ll be heading for an extravaganza as we had in 2016 minus an ugly white woman, a fellow, God rest his soul, who didn’t know where Uzbeckbeckystan was, and a whole bunch of others now no longer remembered. Trump should be thinking up nasty things to call him. Maybe he should ask his grandkids about the newest nastiness things on the playground.

We are so far down the rabbit hole that we’ve slipped past Wonderland and are now out of Lewis Carroll’s territory and entering Dante’s.

Author profile
M.A. Callahan
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