Washington, DC – The Chinese Communist Party’s overseas political influence seems to have reached all-time high, particularly in Asia and the Pacific, as nations take Beijing’s will into action. It is on the path of creating modern-day vassal states all over the world that will take political, social, and economic direction from Beijing. In 2022, Munkhbayar Chuluundorj, a renown journalist, poet, and human rights activist known for his strong stance against the CCP’s cultural genocide of Southern Mongolia (aka Inner Mongolia, PRC) and overall influence in Mongolia by the Chinese authorities, was jailed by the Mongolian authorities for allegedly “collaborating with foreign intelligence agency”. As the government has failed to provide any solid evidence until this day, Munkhbayar’s attorneys argue that Munkhbayar was effectively silenced and persecuted for expressing his rights as a citizen to protest against what he believed to be a grave threat to all Mongolians, including the CCP’s influence in Mongolia. Another example is the case of Former Premier of the Malaita Province (Solomon Islands) Daniel Suidani, who was recently ousted from the government for not adhering to the “One China Policy” set by the current government of the Solomon Islands after it had switched its recognition from Taiwan to China in 2019.
The CCP is essentially reviving its imperial past, but this time with totalitarian characteristics that is aimed to achieve one thing: Global Domination.
One would assume that first world countries like the United States would take strong action to prevent such effort from taking place. Under the Biden Administration the CCP has become more aggressive than before, as seen in Mongolia and the Solomon Islands, amplifying an ongoing decades-old question in the minds of traditional US allies along the lines of, “Can we really depend on the US as a reliable partner anymore?”. After all, why should they? Take, for example, the Biden Administration’s disastrous pull-out from Afghanistan in 2021. It resulted in numerous atrocities in the region, including the ongoing Hazara Genocide and an establishment of an Islamic Emirate, run by the Taliban supported by the Pakistani authorities, while civilians on both sides suffer immensely. Even when CCP spy balloons flew right into sovereign US territory, the administration seems to have been worried more on whether Secretary Blinken would be able to meet his Chinese counterpart in Beijing or not. Another example is when the Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, recently indicated that the Biden Administration still “seeks a healthy economic relationship with China” even though it acknowledges the CCP’s atrocities in Tibet, East Turkistan (aka Xinjiang), Hong Kong, and elsewhere. The problem with such a statement is that to have any type of “healthy economic relationship” with any country, it must be able to play by the international rules to a certain degree, which the CCP has not done since its establishment in 1921. Absence of any form of political, societal, and economic accountability, while stealing intellectual properties and operating with essentially no form of regulation (applied to all others, including US based entities) in the US economy are but a few examples of how the CCP has been supporting itself.
There is still a light of hope flickering in the dark, however. The newly established bipartisan Select Committee on China, led by Rep. Mike Gallagher has been pushing back against the CCP effectively addressing the ongoing military threats against Taiwan and human rights violations in China and abroad. Yet, the effort comes late in the game and much needs to be done to combat such a big enemy.
So, is there any country that is still standing up to the CCP? Yes. The answer is, India. As a matter of fact, one may say that India has been at war with China ever since the CCP’s illegal occupation of Tibet in 1959. Since then, India has spent billions of dollars every year to secure its northern borders from Chinese aggression as China claims the whole of Arunachal Pradesh (which India has protected successfully) and continues its military aggressions in Ladakh on a yearly basis. On the other hand, Pakistan willingly gave away Aksai Chin to China in 1963, while terrorizing the people of Jammu and Kashmir with wars and countless terrorist campaigns all throughout the late 20th century. Despite such challenges, India has always stood firm and reaffirmed its sovereignty to the world.
During a recent visit to Arunachal Pradesh in early April, Union Home Minister Amit Shah stated that “No one can take an inch of India’s land” with the scheduled in place launch of “Vibrant Villages Program” in the village of Kibithoo, located along the Indo-Tibet border. This was among many major historical actions by the Modi government, as it gave out a clear signal to China that Arunachal Pradesh, along with all other Indian territories, is an integral part of India.
This comes after the absence of the Chinese delegation in Itanagar for India’s ongoing G-20 Summit session in Arunachal Pradesh in March of this year. It was an attempt by the CCP to assert its claim over the Indian state. To the CCP’s demise, it only indicated that China does not operate on historical reality. During the Shimla Convention in 1914, independent Tibet recognized the McMahon line, where Arunachal Pradesh was deemed a part of British India and has been part of the sovereign territory of the Indian Republic ever since the end of the British rule in 1947. It must be noted that even China’s vassal state Pakistan, recognizes Arunachal Pradesh as an integral part of India.
There is a famous Indian saying that goes, “Atithi Devo Bhava” or “Guests are gods”, which emphasizes the strong culture of hospitality and accommodation in Indian culture. Like a guest in any authentic Indian and other South Asian household, global companies are given the best conditions for economic prosperity. This is where China faces a harsh reality. For one, India is becoming a key economic destination for global companies for its vibrant innovation, massive industrial capabilities, booming IT sectors, and service industries. Corporations like Samsung and Apple have already moved some of their major productions to India, due to the presence of India’s large market and advancement of both software and hardware IT productions throughout the years. In 2022 India experienced a 7% GDP growth, an outstanding economic performance and marking a long-term solid economic future. According to Morgan Stanley, India is on track to becoming the third largest economy in the world by 2027. India’s federation system also offers global companies a chance to significantly prosper without having to deal with a heavy involvement of a central government, as it is the case in China where the CCP is the only true benefactor. Major international investments are already at work in India, including those of US, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, and even some from China itself. For the first time in history, India has become a form of an economic haven from China for the world. This is a clear indication that India’s growth isn’t just meant for India alone. Its growth is a way to ensure the survival of a free global economy and prevention of further expansion the CCP’s efforts of global domination. Supporting India at this critical hour means, to a point, the survival of sovereignty of all nations against spread of tyrannical hegemony controlled by an imperialist regime based in Beijing. A small but significant step for the world to stand with India, would be to recognize India’s territorial integrity, on Jammu & Kashmir, Aksai Chin, Arunachal Pradesh, and Sikkim. In addition, the world must direct its attention on the CCP’s annual military aggressions in Ladakh and reaffirm its stance that Ladakh is an integral part of the Indian Republic. Supporting India on these matters will set a strong sense of global territorial integrity and inspire other nations struggling against CCP’s territorial and “historical” claims to their lands. This is not a new concept that the world will have to engage out of the blue. Rather, it is simply amplifying India’s strong stance since the start of its existence.
This article first appeared in the Sunday Guardian.

Se Hoon Kim
Se Hoon Kim is the Assignment Editor and Senior Correspondent, East and South Asia at Global Strat View. He is also a columnist for the Sunday Guardian.